GSNZ Taranaki branch meeting

7:30 PM
8:30 PM

Disabled Citizens Craft Centre, 83 Hine Street, New Plymouth

GSNZ Branch event

Travertine and speleothems as recorders of magmatic processes and volcanic eruptions from Mount Taranaki, with Nathan Collins

The flanks of Mt. Taranaki contain warm (20-30⁰C) bicarbonate springs with localized outcrops of Holocene aged travertine and a small cave containing speleothems. Nathan’s research focuses on using these terrestrial carbonates to measure and date volcanic outputs from Mt. Taranaki, particularly over the last 1000 years where the eruption history is poorly constrained. These results could inform eruption forecasting models and provide valuable context for assessments of using these warm springs as a monitoring tool for the volcano.