The Correspondence of Julius Haast and James Hector, 1862-1887


Authors: Sascha Nolden, Rowan Burns and Simon Nathan Year: 2012 Format: e-Book (available as free pdf from link below) Series: GSNZ Miscellaneous Publication Series volume: 133D ISBN: 978-1-877480-23-2 ISSN (print): 2230-4487 ISSN (online): 2230-4495

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Julius Haast (1822-1887) and James Hector (1834-1907) were two of the dominant personalities in the scientific life of late 19th century New Zealand. Both had wide interests, and made significant contributions in geology, biology and ethnology. They corresponded for 25 years, from the arrival of James Hector in 1862 until the death of Haast in 1887, and their letters give a fascinating window into changing ideas and scientific controversies.


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