GSNZ Taranaki branch meeting

7:30 PM
12:00 AM

Taranaki Lapidary and Mineral Club rooms, 3 Rangitake Drive, Spotswood

GSNZ Branch event

Presentations by the winners from the Taranaki Schools Science Fair who were awarded prizes by the Taranaki Geological Society. Their topics will be "What concrete is the strongest" and "The Race to Melt"

The student presentations will be followed by a “From My Home” activity.

More photos required please!

Look around your property and photograph something that you can associate with a geological name. For example, it may be a pipe made of copper (a copper mineral); or the steel cap on a boot (iron or steel); or a sink (limestone sink hole). The objective is to guess the relationship to geology.

Please send your photographs to Colleen or Donald to collate to a presentation.

This is to be a fun activity followed by supper.

Location: corner of Rangitake Drive and Maui Place. Rangitake Drive branches off Centennial Drive, near the upper Back Beach car park.