The changing shape of Te Riu-a-Māui / Zealandia: a cut-out, two-plate tectonic model


Free PDF downloads (scroll down to view links). This educational two-plate, one-pole tectonic model shows the changing shape of Zealandia in geological time.

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Earth’s tectonic plates, sea-levels, climates, plants and animals are constantly changing. Te Riu-a-Māui / Zealandia is Earth’s eighth continent. It is five million square km in area and 95% submerged. Some of the continent sits on the Australian Plate, and some on the Pacific Plate; the plate boundary cuts Zealandia in half.

This educational two-plate, one-pole tectonic model shows the changing shape of Zealandia in geological time: from 30 million years in the past to 30 million years in the future. Non-geologists can marvel at the geographic changes to the New Zealand region. Geology students can analyse the assumptions and simplifications in the model.

After printing the model on A4 paper or thin card you'll need scissors, some tape and a drawing pin to put it together. It takes about two minutes to assemble. Suitable for ten year-olds of all ages.

Download free PDFs:

One-page model (smaller, save paper)

Two-page model (larger, easier to cut out)

Author: Nick Mortimer
Year: 2023
Series: GSNZ Miscellaneous Publication
Series volume: 162
ISSN (PDF): 2230-4495
ISBN (PDF): 978-0-473-68788-5